Spanish economic growth in 2023: IFEMA Madrid protagonist of the exhibition sector.

Spanish economic growth in 2023: IFEMA Madrid protagonist of the exhibition sector.

Spain’s GDP is confirmed to grow in 2023, with a satisfactory +1.8%. The growth of the Spanish market confirms the positive trend of recent years, in which the Iberian state has adopted a successful strategy to restart after the great economic slowdown brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The contribution of the exhibition market to these results is crucial: the Spanish exhibition landscape is characterized by a variety of growing sectors, each of which has contributed significantly to the expansion of the market. Technological innovation has attracted attention with cutting-edge exhibitions and technology showcases, while the sustainable energy sector has seen an exponential increase in participants, reflecting global interest in eco-friendly solutions. Tourism, fashion and the food industry complete the picture, highlighting the diversification of the sectors and the ability of the Spanish market to adapt to the different needs of different economic actors.

At the center of this expansion is IFEMA Madrid, the capital’s trade fair centre, of which Italian Fair Service is the Delegation in Italy, which has played a crucial role. The ability to host events of different scales and the proactive approach in addressing client needs have helped establish IFEMA Madrid as a benchmark for event organizers and attendees. Close collaboration with local authorities facilitated the implementation of efficient logistical measures, helping to ensure the unprecedented success of the events held at the exhibition complex.
The IFEMA Madrid exhibition centre, located in the heart of the Spanish capital, has established itself as the beating heart of the exhibition market, putting the vibrant city of Madrid in the spotlight. Its central geographical location in Spain not only facilitates logistics but also creates a dynamic and cosmopolitan atmosphere which contributes to the overall success of the events.
Looking to the future, the prospects of the Spanish exhibition market and IFEMA Madrid are attractive. More than 30 international trade fairs are also planned for 2024. Discover them at this link: CALENDAR LINK